Students posing for a photo at a Destination Imagination tournament
This page is based on an article originally posted by Tina Shaffer on the Destination Imagination, Inc. blog. We've updated it with some new information based on our experience here in New York.

18 Fundraising Ideas For Teams

Fundraising ideas are key to success. Whether you’re hosting a traditional or unique fundraiser, it’s important to be creative and to have an effective campaign that will grab the attention of potential donors. Check out these fundraising methods to help you and your team raise money for your Destination Imagination tournament.

Fundrasising Ideas

Don't wait! Get started now!

If you wait until your team learns that they are advancing to the Affiliate Tournament (state finals), or to Global Finals, you are leaving yourself with very little time to plan and execute a fundraising plan, as there are just a few weeks between the Tournaments, and there are tight registration / hotel / transportation booking deadlines.

Instead, start planning your fundraising activities at the beginning of the program year, when your team forms / starts meeting (hopefully in September or October). Just as the team should have a multi-month project plan for the creation of their solution, they (and their supporters) should have a plan for fundraising.

No matter which option(s) you choose, it’s important to be creative, to tap into all of your networks, and to make sure you promote your event. Reach out to local media! If you have a community newspaper, meet with the editor and let him or her know about DI and your team’s accomplishments. The paper may be willing to feature a donation drive or a fundraiser you are organizing, which will make your event more successful.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to be yourself and have fun. If you and your team are enjoying yourselves and are passionate about your cause, your community members will be more likely to make a donation.

Best of luck, teams!

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